
Amherstburg karate club

Mission Statement

A Traditional Meibukan Goju-Ryu karate school that values respect, self-discipline and perseverance. We provide a positive and enthusiastic environment for students to continually better themselves in mind, body and spirit.

Sensei Chad Waldron

20 years of martial arts experience 

  • 2002 earned Shodan Meibukan Goju Ryu karate

  • 2021 Earned 2nd degree International Blackbelt under Master Meitetsu Yagi of Oakinawa Japan threw Hanshi Richard Fall

  • 2022 Earned 3rd degree blackbelt under
    Hanshi Richard Fall.

There is no doubt that the success of AKC can be attributed to its outstanding instructors. There is a highly skilled group of instructors at our facility who are deeply committed to your personal growth and development. We aim to create a learning environment that is both enjoyable, welcoming, and challenging. We also aim to motivate everyone to put their best foot forward in order to achieve their goals by challenging them to do their best.

Sensei Matthew Gholampoor

  • Achieved 1st Degree Black Belt (Shodan) in Meibukan Goju-Ryu Karate in 2002.
  • Granted International 2nd Degree (Nidan) Meibukan Goju-Ryu with Dai Sensei Meitetsu Yagi & Sensei Richard Fall
  • A lifetime of martial arts experience, primarily focusing on Karate

You don’t go to class just to learn how to fight; you come for a variety of reasons. You also need to put a lot of effort into mastering the underlying principles of martial arts that will enable you to succeed. Without these underlying principles, you won’t develop the skills necessary to succeed in Karate. These principles include understanding proper technique, developing body awareness and control, and learning to understand your opponents’ movements and intentions. Besides it brings more balance to your life, these principles can also be applied to your daily routine. This will help you reach your full potential while keeping you safe at the same time. 

Senpai Stefan Miller

  • Granted International Meibukan Goju-Ryu Karate 1st Degree Black Belt (Shodan) – Dai Sensei Meitetsu Yagi & Sensei Richard Fall
  • 8 Years experience in martial arts

Karate is an excellent activity for everyone. In addition to counteracting peer pressure and low self-esteem, it is effective for children and youth. By practicing karate, one gains self-confidence, self-discipline, strength of mind, body, spirit, and a sense of belonging to the Meibukai family. The practice of martial arts can relieve stress, did you know? By focusing on the present and things you can control, you can achieve this. As well as controlling one’s breathing and thoughts, martial arts emphasize the complete control of one’s body and mind. As a result of this, you will gain valuable life skills that can be applied to a wide range of situations in your day-to-day life. You will also be able to reduce the amount of stress you experience in many other areas of your life as well when you have more focus and confidence, as well as clearer thinking.

Ready to get started?

We offer 3 free classes!

Meibukan GoJu- Ryu Karate Do & Self-Defense Training 


Increased fitness

Increased self-discipline


Increased confidence at school and work

Decreased stress

Better mental concentration

AKC dojo

One of the biggest mental benefits of martial arts is its ability to improve self-esteem and boost confidence. 

Follow Me:

320 Richmond St. (Amherstburg Community Services building) Amherstburg, ON N9V 1H4